Council considers banning smoking in play areas


Cheshire East Council is considering introducing voluntary smoke free areas in the boroughs parks.

The Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Care Services will consider a report on Monday, 5th November, which recommends the implementation of a voluntary code of smoke free practice in children's play areas on land owned by Cheshire East Council.

The report states "The voluntary code of smoke free practice will not be legally enforceable in outdoor areas, but it will empower the community to influence the behaviour of smokers within the play areas."

Any extension to the smoke free legislation for public places and worksites, under the Health Act 2009, can only be taken at national level. Whilst a voluntary code of practice supports self regulation and would be implemented at local level through working with partners and various council services.

To implement the new voluntary smoke free zones across the borough will cost £2,295, this is the total cost to place a sign in each of the 170 play areas. £1500 of this will be funded through Heart of Mersey, on behalf of the Cheshire and Merseyside Tobacco Alliance, and the remainder will come from the Health Improvement budget.

The report continues "The proposed implementation of smoke free playgrounds will reduce child exposure to smoking and de-normalise tobacco use within the community. In the long term this will assist in decreasing the uptake of smoking within the youth population. It will also reduce the levels of unsightly litter created by discarded cigarettes, wrappers, matches in the play areas and reduce the risk of harm from toxic cigarette butts."

Cheshire East Council carried out a survey across 17 local parks during the Summer of 2012. 162 people were asked for their views on the introduction of a voluntary code of smoke free practice. The parks were located in geographically diverse areas.

The results showed overwhelming public support for the introduction of a voluntary smoke free code to the play areas in Local Authority parks (97.5%). Nearly all the participants agreed that it was important not to smoke in front of children (98.8%). A large percentage of the participants agreed with the extension of the smoke free area to include a 10 metre perimeter of the play area, however only 56.8% were in favour of introducing a smoke free voluntary code for the whole of the park.

Proposed voluntary smoke free areas in Alderley Edge include: Alderley Park on Ryleys Lane, Beech Road Park and Festival Drive in Over Alderley.

What do you think about the proposal? Will the voluntary smoke free areas be enforceable? Share your views via the comment box below.

Alderley Edge Park, Cheshire East Council


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Sarah Lane
Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 2:06 pm
I personally think the Council should be worrying their heads over something more serious than this. It's a joke to be even thinking of spending £1 on such nonsense.
Frank Keegan
Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 3:13 pm
Well, blow me down. I never thought that I would ever agree with Sarah Lane, but I have to say she is spot on.

Signs at £1,500 each, Officer time, Partnership meetings, where will the expense end? All for a voluntary code. The "survey" was 162 people over 17 parks during the Summer. 10 people per park, on average, over a 10 week period? One person per week per park? Is it Hallowe'en or All Fools Day?
Lisa Reeves
Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 3:17 pm
Sorry my article seems to have been unclear. The cost quoted is the total cost across the borough of placing a sign in each play area the Council is responsible for - there are 170 play areas on the proposed list. It is not the cost per sign but the cost for all the signs.

I have now made the article clearer.
Jon Williams
Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 3:58 pm
Great news that, ban smoking in ALL public places as well.
Sarah Lane
Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 5:35 pm
Frank. Dare I ask why you never thought you would ever agree with me.
Frank Keegan
Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 6:03 pm

Now you have made me confused, £2,295 for 170 signs, which is £13.50 each. I don't think that is any where near the cost. That is about 10 minutes of time allocated to travel to each park and put up each sign, even if the signs were free. Not anywhere near the cost.
Lisa Reeves
Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 6:15 pm
The report for Monday's meeting was not clear so I checked with Cheshire East Council yesterday. £2295 seemed a lot per sign but cheap for 170 signs.

They confirmed "The total cost is £2,295. I have been assured we would not be doing this if it cost £390,150! £1,500 of the £2,295 comes from Heart of Mersey so cost to the Council is £795. The cost is for one sign per play area."
Malcolm McClean
Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 10:21 pm
As a non-smoker I was delighted about the smoking ban, but really there are some things that councils should keep clear of. There's no health issue involved in this idea, its unenforcible, not measurable and we really don't need any more signs.

This is the council that has erected signs around the country roads of Sutton & Langley which say 'Quiet Lane'. We know that. What are we supposed to do about it? If somebody were to be noisy on a quiet lane what would happen? Who would hear it? If nobody hears a noise was did it really happen?

Clearly despite the cuts, some public sector workers still have far too much time and money on their hands.
James MacDonald
Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 11:02 pm
I agree with Jon but a voluntary code won't work. Responsible smokers (if there is such a thing) won't do it anyway whereas the hardcore will ignore it because all they care about is their next hit. I was at Alton Towers last week which obviously has a lot of children. There are clear signs stating that smoking is only permitted in designated areas. However, there were people smoking everywhere, they didn't care, the staff didn't care either because they did not enforce it. As much as I like the sentiment I don't think it will make any difference.
Steve Savage
Thursday 1st November 2012 at 10:34 am
Always reassuring to see Cheshire East spending our hard earned so wisely....
Elaine Napier
Thursday 1st November 2012 at 11:41 am
Personally, I lie awake at nights wondering who thinks up the inspirational names for the Council's various teams, groups and projects. Do they have a special department for this? Or is it run as a staff competition with prizes for the best names put forward. Did the idea of these signs come from the same source?

I'm a non-smoker who really hates smoking but, honestly, this is an idea for organisations with money to burn. Wouldn't these people be better employed working out how they are going to fix the pavements in Alderley Edge? Or soon they will be spending more of your money paying compensation to the poor unfortunates who break their legs trying to walk around the village.
Tony Ratcliff
Tuesday 6th November 2012 at 4:20 pm
Likewise, I'm a non-smoker, but for heavens sake, the poor **** have enough opprobrium heaped upon them without the culture fascists waving sticks at them in the park - and what language pioneer thought up the verb to "de-normalise"? That alone speaks volumes for the intellects involved in this adventure.